Command Center DIY Kits

For ease of purchase, all Command Center components can be purchased in optional kits depending on the level of functionality in your DIY build. If you purchased every kit, you could build a complete command center. We have also noted the products included in each kit along with a full Command Center PDF Schematic.

Saving money or geeking out / creating a custom application?

If you are looking to build an entire Command Center by purchasing all kits and assembling from scratch to save money, please note that sum of all kits is higher than purchasing the pre-assembled Command Center. This is due to the higher stocking requirement costs, documentation, and overall support for a DIY model. The purpose of the DIY kit is to truly support the individual who loves to tinker and enjoys building something special for themselves from scratch.

Modular design, but may need some love for your application.

Each kit and associated part was designed specifically for the COBRA Command Center. When creating your own custom design, you may use some, or all of the parts combined with your own custom setup and associated hardware to create your own design. For example, we may provide a mounting bracket whose screws may be too short or long based on your application. By substituting these screws on your own, you can adapt the kit to your own application.

Finally! The Command Center Kits.

Please find a listing of each kit below along with a link to each kit, associated pricing, and included parts.

Recharge Kit
Deadman Kit
Booster Kit
Armored Case Kit
H Battery Harness D SMPTE Harness N Connector Cable E Deadman Board L Booster Power Cable   Armored Case
M Charge Port C SMPTE Board P 18R2 OTG Cable F Deadman Harness S 2.5 Watt Booster   Faceplate & Compartment
G Recharge PC Board     Q Tablet Cable   Deadman Trigger       Tablet Mount
K 18R2 Power Cable     O OTG PC Board         Upper Faceplate
J 7.4V LiPo Battery     R USB Harness           Antenna Extension Cable
L Booster Power Cable                
I Keyswitch & Keys                
B 18R2 Keyswitch Shunt                
Command Center Charger                
  • Recharge Kit - The parts used to support all power and re-charge functions including the internal battery, re-charge board, keys and switch and associated cables.

  • SMPTE Kit - The parts used to support all SMPTE functions including the RCA connector, harness, and internal SMPTE board.

  • OTG Kit - OTG "On the Go" is a specification that allows USB devices, such as tablets or smartphones, to act as a host, allowing other USB devices, such as USB flash drives, or in our case, the COBRA Control Panel, to be attached to them. This kit includes the main OTG board, and all associated cables / adapters to bridge the 18R2 and Control Panel.

  • Deadman Kit - Includes all parts to support the COBRA Deadman including the deadman, harness and internal deadman board.

  • Booster Kit - Includes all parts to support the COBRA Booster including the booster and associated cables.

  • Enclosure Kit - Includes all parts to support the Command Center armored travel case, armored face plates, internal storage compartment, and tablet mount.

Command Center Schematic

Please find a Command Center Schematic color coded by kit. You can click on the individual part on the schematic to view the associated product page. Below the schematic we also provide a full table listing with each part, description, identifier and price.

Download Command Center Schematic

Individual Components

If you are looking for replacement parts or to order specific components for a DIY project, we have also made each component available for purchase individually. Please see the above schematic and the below table for more information on the individual components and their functionality.

Command Center Keyswitch Command Center Keyswitch 7.4V LiPo Battery 7.4V LiPo Battery 7.4V LiPo Battery 7.4V LiPo Battery Battery Harness Recharge PC Board Recharge PC Board Recharge PC Board Recharge PC Board Charge Port Charge Port Charge Port Charge Port Charge Port Booster Power Cable Booster Power Cable Booster Power Cable Booster Power Cable 2.5 Watt Booster 2.5 Watt Booster 2.5 Watt Booster Antenna Extension Cable Antenna Extension Cable Antenna Extension Cable Antenna Extension Cable Omnidirectional Antenna Omnidirectional Antenna USB Harness USB Harness OTG PC Board 18R2 Power Cable 18R2 Power Cable 18R2 Power Cable 18R2 Power Cable 18R2 Power Cable 18R2 Power Cable 18R2 Power Cable Connector Cable Connector Cable Connector Cable Connector Cable SMPTE Harness SMPTE Harness SMPTE Harness SMPTE Harness SMPTE Harness SMPTE Board Deadman Board Deadman Harness Deadman Harness Deadman Harness Deadman Harness Deadman Harness 18R2 Keyswitch Shunt Tablet Cable Tablet Cable Tablet Cable Tablet Cable Tablet Cable 18R2 OTG Cable 18R2 OTG Cable 18R2 OTG Cable 18R2 OTG Cable 18R2 OTG Cable 18R2 OTG Cable 18R2 OTG Cable
Identifier Part Description Price
A 18R2 Provides firing functionality $349.99
B 18R2 Keyswitch Shunt Shunts internal keyswitch port on 18R2 $4.99
C SMPTE Board Provides SMPTE functionality $64.99
D SMPTE Harness Connects SMPTE Port to SMPTE Board $9.99
E Deadman Board Provides deadman functionality $49.99
F Deadman Harness Connects Deadman Port to Deadman Board $14.99
G Recharge PC Board Provides recharge functionality $99.99
H Battery Harness Connects 7.4V LiPo Battery to Recharge Board $9.99
I Keyswitch & Keys Panel mounted keyswitch & keys $49.99
J 7.4V LiPo Battery 14,000 7.4V LiPo battery $129.99
K 18R2 Power Cable Connects Recharge Board to SMPTE Board on 18R2 $7.99
L Booster Power Cable Connects Booster to Recharge Board $4.99
M Charge Port Panel mounted charge port $7.99
N Connector Cable Connects OTG Board to Recharge Board $7.99
O OTG PC Board Provides OTG functionality $99.99
P 18R2 OTG Cable Connects OTG Board to 18R2 $6.99
Q Tablet Cable Connects OTG Board to tablet $4.99
R USB Harness Connects OTG Board to panel mounted USB Port $9.99
S 2.5 Watt Booster Signal amplifier for improving overall signal strength $199.99
T 18R2 Internal Antenna Cable Connects 18R2 to Booster or Antenna Extension Cable $5.99
U Antenna Extension Cable Connects 18R2 or Booster to panel mounted antenna connector $9.99
V Omnidirectional Antenna Connects to 18R2 or optional Booster $15.99
W Android Tablet Android tablet with Control Panel Software
Not Pictured Charger Charges and provides passthrough power $39.99
Not Pictured Armored Case Custom cut/drilled armored case $179.99
Not Pictured Dust Covers Dust/moisture covers for external ports $9.99
Not Pictured Faceplate & Compartment Faceplate with port/remote cutouts and pre-installed storage compartment $89.99
Not Pictured Upper Faceplate Faceplate for upper half of armored case $19.99
Not Pictured Tablet Mount Mount and mounting hardware for tablet $29.99
Not Pictured Deadman Trigger Handheld trigger for deadman control $169.99